"Admissions Open 2025-2026"
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Examination Overview


Examination at Medi-Caps University is a continuous evaluation process, which includes internal assessment and End Semester examination. There are two semesters in a year named as Odd Semester (August to December) and Even Semester (January to June). In a semester student’s internal assessment in theory course is performed based on conduct, assignments, quizzes, Mid Semester Tests and in practical courses based on conduct, Lab work and viva-voce. The End semester examinations are conducted for theory and practical courses. Mid Semester Tests and End Semester Examinations are conducted in a fair manner as per the dates mentioned in the academic calendar. Mid Semester Test answer copies are checked and shown to the students within a week. End semester answer copies are evaluated and shown to the students during copy viewing. Results are declared within one month and available on students ERP login.

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Medi caps Univercity

Academic Calender

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Examination Notices

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Examination Time-Table

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Mid Semester and End Semester Examinations Time Table for Session Jan-June 2023

  • Mid Semester Test - I (MST-I)

  • Mid Semester Test - I (MST-I)

  • End Semester Examinations

Examination Process

Course Registration

Examination Form Filling

Admit Card Generation

Appeared in Examination

Copy Valuation

Copy Viewing

Result Declaration

Transparent Examination System at Medi-Caps University

Medi-Caps University has a transparent and impartial examination system in place that upholds academic integrity and fairness. To ensure this, answer copies of students are evaluated by experienced faculty members who follow a rigorous assessment process. After evaluation, the answer sheets are made available to the students. The copy viewing process begins the day after the end of all examinations for the respective program. Students are seated enrollment number-wise in a room equipped with CCTV cameras and are not allowed to carry any items like pen, pencil, or mobile. The course teacher shows the answer copies to the students under the strict observance of a permanent invigilator. In case of any grievances, students can fill out a form and submit it to the course teacher. The course expert then handles the grievances and submits the answer copy with comments to the Controller of Examinations for further examination. The Controller of Examinations examines each grievance case and recommends any necessary marked changes to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor for approval.

Rules and Regulations

University examination rules and regulations are designed to ensure that academic assessments are conducted fairly and with integrity. These rules cover various aspects of the examination process, including scheduling, conduct, grading, and appeal procedures.


Result Declaration Information

Results Session Jan-June 2023

Result is declared within 30 days from the day of copy viewing.

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Controller of Examination

Dr. Vibha Tiwari

Mail ID:




Certificate Requisition

Document Verification / Certificate Requisition

A list of documents with the detail of their respective fee and necessary documents to be attached with the application form. Download the Application form, read it and fill up the form. Then email the filled in form with fee payment receipt to Form URL or exam@medicaps.ac.in.

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Name of Certificate/Document Fee Process of Applying
Note : Requested documents will be available only after 7 working days of payment.
Form Link: